Many car and motorcycle parts are made out of aluminum. Mirror like finish can be achieved by polishing aluminum. See our approach on very time consuming and not easy task of polishing aluminum.
9 Automobiles that made history
9 Automobiles that made history: Czar Alexander II's Lenoir, Ferdinand's Graf Und Stift, Czar Nicholas II's Rolls-Royce and more.
Changing brakes on 2000 Chrysler Neon 2.0 litre model or Changing brake caliper
Ontario begins use of carpool lanes
In another step to ease traffic jams and cut travel times the province of Ontario announced today new designated carpool lanes (HOV - High Occupancy Vehicle lanes) will be operational by Dec. 13 2005 in the GTA.
Before choosing a car insurance company do some research. To get the cheapest possible rate make sure you call few companies before you decide which insurance company you will join.
Still think you're paying too much for gas? See how your pricing compares to the rest of the world.
Reset "check the engine light"
So, you have your check engine light come on. You panic. What is wrong with my car? Obviously first thing you try to do is find a way to reset check engine light.
Winter is finally here. Put your motorcycles away - snowmobiling season is here. Here are some of the things you should be aware when it comes to renting a snowmobile.

Canada gas tax breakdown per province - Each litre of gas you're buying, how much of that amount is going to your government? View breakdown across all provinces.

High gas prices? Think again. - So you think you're paying too much for gas?. Take a look at pricing of gas around the world and see how Canada stacks up against other countries.

With gas prices surpassing $1 dollar mark we take a look at other fuel
alternatives. Hybrid vehicles, CNG, Propane and other alternatives.
Read our article on propane
and natural gas

Diesel engine technology has been around for quite some time now. See list of Diesel vehicles that are currently available to you.