You love them, you trust them, now it's time to track them - teenagers behind the wheel.
Before you know it your children have passed their written exam, drove around with you in the car for some time, passed their road test it's time to hand those keys over and say goodbye to your precious, beloved car.
Sitting around the house wondering if they're behaving behind the wheel, how far have they gone, how fast they were driving, the worrying list goes on.
GPS tracking for your car has become widely popular and available. While the initial "new on the market" pricing has decreased, lower end units can cost you anywhere from $200 - $300 depending on options you choose and can go as high as $800. Most units operate in fairly similar and simple way. You place the unit (wallet size "box") inside the car, making sure batteries are charged, sit back and await your children's return.
Now you simply connect the unit to your computer and with preloaded software you can track where your children have traveled. Some units will vary but most will provide you with similar information such as street names, city, distance, speed they were traveling and that pretty much covers everything you need to know.
Some companies will also sell more advanced units with options such as warnings. Unit will warn driver if driving too fast or if driving outside of allowed region. Real time tracking is also available where you can watch location of your car while sitting at your computer. These units will also cost you more and some require monthly payments for this type of service.
GPS units can also be used for other various reasons. You can track your company's vehicles, record your route when hiking or biking, know exact position of your car if it was stolen, spy on your partner and more.
Simple gps unit can be inserted in your car while your children are
driving around in your car.cont

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